Tag-arkiv: forest

Odd Friends Part Six

The creature grabs on to dry roots protruding from the walls of the cave, holds the girl’s scarf tight and begins to climb upwards. The girl, with the rabbit in her arms, feels the cold sweat on her forehead slowly disappear as soon as they start moving towards the light that must be somewhere far, far above them.

Climbing into freedom - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

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The climb seems to last forever. The air is still, and apart from the sound of dry dirt crumbling and falling into the eerie gloom below there is no sound; all they can hear is the heavy breathing of the creature climbing the dirt walls.

Finally, the light is breaking through. The climb ends where the fall began, and everything is now shrouded in a morning mist.

Freedom at last - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

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Thank goodness, that you saved us, the girl says finally having the courage to speak with her full voice again. Heaving for air, the rabbit lies flat on the moist ground trying to regain strength after being squished in the firm grip of the girl.


Almost crawling through the forest - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

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Almost crawling through the forest, the fright only just loosening its grip of the three odd friends; everything returning to normal.

None of the three want to mention or question the unknown they met below ground.

You think you know something, but you really never do, ponders the girl silently. Her worldview having been dislocated.


They reach a lake in the dusk. Silent ripples break the otherwise still surface of the tar-like water.
It’s beautifully tranquil here, they agree in low voices, not wanting to disturb the peace. They stand still by the water’s edge for a while.

Inky ridges - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

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Low splashes. The quiet is disturbed by dark shadows coming out of the water. Inky ridges appear from the water. Eyes can be seen in the dusk.

You’re finally here, almost whispering, layered voices seem to come from the obscure beings. We’ve waited for you for so long.


Come back later for part seven..


Read the story from the beginning

Odd Friends – Part Three

The creature eyes something strange - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

One day, on one of their seemingly endless walks in the forest, the creature eyes something strange. A smaller being, though larger than the rabbit, yes maybe the size of a tree stump, is walking along the trail between the large trees. A peculiar being, unlike anything he has seen before.
The creature decides to follow. The rabbit notices little, but being busy with God only knows what he follows too.They follow - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

They follow the tree-stump-sized being for quite a while. By now the rabbit has also noticed the scent of something unfamiliar. The strangeness of the situation has them unsettled, they try to be as quiet as the forest allows while hiding in between trees and larger vegetation. The suspense is palpable.

This. This is life - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Whether she has been walking for minutes or hours, the little girl is not aware of. This world is new to her. So many strange noises, unfamiliar colours, scents, plants. The little girl feels her little body fill with intense impressions. A bird in the top of a tree, a rattling in the leaves, a rustling in the bushes behind her. This. This is life, she thinks to herself.Suddenly a dark shadow covers her own - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Suddenly a dark shadow covers her own, bringing a cool sensation in the summer night. She turns around..

Odd friends – Part Two

On a moonlit hilltop far into the forest - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

On a moonlit hilltop far into the forest a creature and a rabbit lay on the dark, damp grass. While the rabbit is deep asleep, the creature lay in the astounding silence of nature. He cannot sleep. He keeps wondering and pondering, why must life be so hard for someone like me.

The creature feels large and misshapen - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

The creature feels large and misshapen, not fitting in with the rest of the world. So much larger than the rabbit, and yet so much more fragile. His friend, the rabbit, is full of vitality and doesn’t seem to mind or notice when the creature is unable to keep up.

The branches of the forest trees whip and lash out - Odd Friend by Kira Bang-Olsson

The branches of the forest trees whip and lash out at him, when he tries to follow. And he doesn’t seem to fit wherever the rabbit does. The rabbit is his only friend, but also a very good one.

Yet, he feels awfully alone sometimes.

He feels awfully alone sometimes - Odd Friends - by Kira Bang-Olsson

Time and time again, he even tries to explain his only friend how life feels to him, but he still comes up short, lacking the words to make the rabbit fully comprehend.

Life surely isn’t easy when you’re a huge ball of fur and emotions - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Life surely isn’t easy when you’re a huge ball of fur and emotions.

Odd friends – Part one

She never felt quite at home - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

In a dark and cold house in the middle of nothingness lived a little girl. She had lived there for what felt like all of her life. In the house were long, resounding hallways, tall, dirty windows, tables that went on for miles, and ceilings with a distinct stale odour of damp. Even though there were other people in the house (her family), she never felt quite at home. It was as though she did not fit her physical surroundings at all, because the house did not want her to.

Strange yet familiar- Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Wherever she went, it seemed as if the house wanted her to leave. Rather than reflecting images the mirrors of the house housed strange, yet familiar, creatures only visible by pale, nearly transparent faces with black eyes glittering in the dark. She never could recognise what greeted her when she stared into them.

The darkness eerily crept up on her - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

At night, she would lie and stare into the darkness, hide her nose under the old, dusty duvet. This was the only time of day the house would be completely quiet. Even the resounding hallways were silent. Only the peculiar raven would pick at the window, time and time again.

Still, as the darkness eerily crept up on her, it also gave her peace and a strange feeling of safety.


The girl liked to read fairy tales in heavy, dusty books - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

During daytime there was not much to do around the house. The girl liked to read fairy tales in heavy, dusty books, though. Since the hostile house wasn’t furnished with comfortable sofas, she would always lie on the cool floorboards, under which she could hear squeaking and crawling. In the books she read about creatures of the forest, giants, and other strange things. It felt comforting to know that the entirety of the world didn’t amount to the dank walls of the house.

She didn’t go out much, nobody ever did. Actually, she had never left the premises, not knowing what dangers await her on the outside.
One day, out of boredom, she decided to peak out the front door – just a peak, merely leaving the door half open.

She went outside - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

She barely noticed the massive main door slam behind her as she went outside. The raven circulated high above her head. From time to time it would cackle, before suddenly flying deep into the forest. There’s not much to stay here for, she thought, – I might as well follow.
So she did.

Soon she crossed the threshold into the strange forest - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Soon she crossed the threshold into the strange forest.