Tag-arkiv: horror

Odd Friends Part Six

The creature grabs on to dry roots protruding from the walls of the cave, holds the girl’s scarf tight and begins to climb upwards. The girl, with the rabbit in her arms, feels the cold sweat on her forehead slowly disappear as soon as they start moving towards the light that must be somewhere far, far above them.

Climbing into freedom - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Click illustration for larger version

The climb seems to last forever. The air is still, and apart from the sound of dry dirt crumbling and falling into the eerie gloom below there is no sound; all they can hear is the heavy breathing of the creature climbing the dirt walls.

Finally, the light is breaking through. The climb ends where the fall began, and everything is now shrouded in a morning mist.

Freedom at last - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Click illustration for larger version

Thank goodness, that you saved us, the girl says finally having the courage to speak with her full voice again. Heaving for air, the rabbit lies flat on the moist ground trying to regain strength after being squished in the firm grip of the girl.


Almost crawling through the forest - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Click illustration for larger image

Almost crawling through the forest, the fright only just loosening its grip of the three odd friends; everything returning to normal.

None of the three want to mention or question the unknown they met below ground.

You think you know something, but you really never do, ponders the girl silently. Her worldview having been dislocated.


They reach a lake in the dusk. Silent ripples break the otherwise still surface of the tar-like water.
It’s beautifully tranquil here, they agree in low voices, not wanting to disturb the peace. They stand still by the water’s edge for a while.

Inky ridges - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Click illustration for larger version

Low splashes. The quiet is disturbed by dark shadows coming out of the water. Inky ridges appear from the water. Eyes can be seen in the dusk.

You’re finally here, almost whispering, layered voices seem to come from the obscure beings. We’ve waited for you for so long.


Come back later for part seven..


Read the story from the beginning

Odd Friends Part Five

Everything is a blur of dark greens, blacks, scratchy branches, and desperate panting. - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Everything is a blur of dark greens, blacks, scratchy branches, and desperate panting. Running fearfully through the forest, away from an unknown danger, all three odd friends are thinking the same thing. What happened? And where are we?

Feeling watched and not yet safe, the three of them keep running at a fast pace.

The forest being pitch black now that the twilight is over has crept into darkness – it has become a death trap. The trees are tall shadows only just visible in the nightfall. Branches crackle beneath their feet, their footsteps and heaving is swallowed by the darkness.

Suddenly, with another step the ground seems to disappear from under their feet, and dreadful, endless falling ensues.

Falling endlessly - Odd Friends by Kira Bang-Olsson


Fusty, thick air. Complete blackness. The creature lifts an arm to see if his hand is visible in the dark, but is quickly reminded that his arms are far too short to be seen anyway.


His husky voice resounds in what must be a very large cave.

I’m here, the little girl answers. A low rustling comes from the opposite side of the creature. The rabbit being unable to respond in words, stomps its long feet on the ground.

It certainly is dark down here, the creature mumbles doubtingly.

Recognising the dark, the little girl has no fear. I’ve tried this before, there’s nothing to be frightened of, she proclaims, almost proudly. Or maybe I’m wrong, she says, when a low whispering sounds from behind them.

Still completely blind, they clearly feel and hear the presence of somebody else. Of something else. - Odd friends by Kira Bang-Olsson

Teeth chattering. Shuffling in the darkness. A silent chuckle.

Welcome below, an alarming voice sounds from within the dark.

Startled, the three odd friends move closer together. Or at least they think they do; it’s quite impossible to see anything in this darkness.

Still completely blind, they clearly feel and hear the presence of somebody else. Of something else.

A dragging noise comes nearer and a low sound of what can only be described as rattling bones sound from all around them.


Read the story from the beginning

Odd Friends – A fairytale

Odd friends cover - by Kira Bang-Olsson

Odd friends

Written and illustrated by Kira Bang-Olsson
Edited by June Egelund-Jenkins


This is a tale for and about those who feel out of place, those who are odd, and those who find each other in unexpected places. This story is still being written and will be illustrated with different kinds of illustrations – they are both meant to illustrate the story and at the same time be an artistic and personal exploration. You might have seen some of the illustrations before – or maybe not, but most of them are new.

This fairytale has no ending yet – but it will.

Stay tuned – and come back to experience ‘Odd friends’. Part one will be online January 21. 2017.

Søndagstegning: My dark friend


Så blev det søndag igen. Ugerne farer forbi som var det december og der sker spændende ting i min verden. Det skal I nok høre mere om.

Jeg har savnet at tegne gys. Så det gjorde jeg i dag. S kom hen til mig, kiggede på papiret og sagde: “Nogle gange bliver jeg altså bange for dig… Hvad foregår der inde i dit hovede?”.

Nåh ja.
My dark friend af Kira Bang-OlssonKlik på billedet for at se en større version.

Rigtig god søndag til dig.

Jeg er ikke bange.

Lige så længe jeg kan huske har jeg elsket gys. Altså, ikke folk der i et pludseligt øjeblik råber ‘BØH!!’ ind i hovedet på dig, men gyserhistorier, det mørke og makabre. Så jeg har mæsket mig i Stephen King, X-files, gyserradio og -film i mine unge dage. Da jeg kom på universitetet var der en ny verden der åbenbarede sig for mig: Akademisk behandling af horror og det makabre.

Jeg læser stadig gode gyserbøger, både fiktion og teoretiske. Jeg elsker det.



Jeg går næsten i selvsving, når jeg skal finde en god gyserfilm at se når jeg er alene hjemme (for nogen vil ikke se dem sammen med mig).


Desværre er det som om at min tærskel for gys har ændret sig, eftersom jeg er blevet ældre.


Det ender som regel med at jeg sidder i et hjørne og koldsveder med en stor kniv. Imens jeg kan høre lyde fra skunken.

Skitselørdag blev til Skitsesøndag

Med både varme og familiebesøg fungerer mit hovede ej så godt. Derfor har der været meget langt mellem opdateringerne her på det sidste. Derfor blev gårsdagens Skitselørdag til dagens skitsesøndag.

Og fordi aftenen for mit vedkommende står på gyserfilm, kommer her et par gyserinspirerede hurtigskitser.



Kan I anbefale en god gyser? Purleeees?

The Human Centipede 2

Man kan fristes til at sige, at jeg er blevet besat af gyserfilm på det sidste. Forleden morgen var jeg stået tidligt op og satte mig for at læse morgenens nyheder. Her stod forpremieren på The Human Centipepe II omtalt (har ikke engang set 1’eren, det er simpelthen for vammelt. Men er tiltrukket af filmene på en eller anden sær måde alligevel..) – hvilket betød at jeg selvfølgelig måtte se den. Klokken-lidt-over-otte-og-alt-for-tidligt-før-morgenkaffen. Kan absolut ikke anbefales.


Du som jeg både hader og elsker

Da jeg var alene hjemme efterspurgte jeg gode gyserfilm i en frokostpause. Hvilket mundede ud i, at vi sad tre piger om min computer og så trailere – bl.a. til Paranormal Activity 2. Da jeg ikke engang kunne se traileren uden at skrige og holde mig for øjnene, blev vi enige om, at jeg nok skal vente med at se den til jeg er i nogens selskab.

Ps. Endte dog med at se The Silent House mens S spillede Half Life. Sad skiftevis med strikketøj, puder og hænder foran ansigtet og fingeren på pauseknappen. UF.